Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Mifare 1K Memory Structure

To complete the task I'm working on and read/write to smart cards, I had to understand the memory structure of the Mifare Standard 1K card. This was no easy task for a weak and small brain of mine! I figured it out finally and here is a very short summary of my understanding:

The total memory of 1024 bytes is divided into 16 sectors of 64 bytes, each of the sectors is divided into 4 blocks of 16 bytes. Blocks 0, 1 and 2 of each sector can store data and block 3 is used to store keys and access bits (the exception is the ‘Manufacturer Block’ which can not store data).

The data in any sector can be protected by either Key A or both Key A and Key B security keys. I do not need to use Key B, and in this case the bytes in the trailer can be used for data. If the sector is protected by the security key, this key has to be loaded before data can be accessed by using a special command.

Access bits define the way the data in the sector trailer and the data blocks can be accessed. Access bits are stored twice – inverted and non-inverted in the sector trailer as shown in the images.

Some examples:

Data stored in the sector trailer:
01 02 03 04 05 06 FF 07 80 69 11 12 13 14 15 16
01 02 03 04 05 06 – Key A
FF 07 80 69 – Access bits
11 12 13 14 15 16 – Key B (or data if Key B is not used)

Bytes 6, 7, 8 are access data
FF 07 80

Binary representation:
11111111 = FF
00000111 = 07
10000000 = 80

The bits that are bolded and underscored are the ones that define access to keys (C13, C23, C33 in the image above) and they form the 001 sequence. The bits that are bolded and not underscored are the same bits inverted. They form, as expected, the sequence 110.

From the table above I can see that 001 means that Key A can not be read, but can be written and Key B may be read. This is the "transport configuration" and was read from the card that was never used.

A bit more on Mifare 1K commands next time.

by . Also posted on my website

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