Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Starting with WebGrid

WebGrid is an HTML helper provided as part of the MVC framework to simplify rendering tabular data. It is actually very simple to start with WebGrid. The following is enough to create a complete working example:

@model YahooViewModel


@{ var grid = new WebGrid(Model.Datas);

Here the "Datas" is my list of YahooData entities. This, however, looks a little ugly, so I'll spend a few minutes on styling straight away. The following is a basic style for a WebGrid

<style type="text/css">
    .webGrid {margin: 4px; border-collapse: collapse; width: 300px;}
    .header {background-color: #E8E8E8; font-weight: bold; color: #FFF;}
    .webGrid th, .webGrid td { border: 1px solid #C0C0C0; padding: 5px;}
    .alt {background-color: #E8E8E8; color: #000;}

The style is applied as follows

@{ var grid = new WebGrid(Model.Datas);
   @grid.GetHtml(tableStyle: "webGrid", headerStyle: "header", alternatingRowStyle: "alt");

First WebGrid

I don't want to show each and every column to the user. I can rewrite the WebGrid specifying the actual columns to show. Only specified columns will be displayed. Also, now the order of the columns is the same as the order I define them.

@{ var grid = new WebGrid(Model.Datas, 
       columnNames: new[] {"DataName", "Date", "LTP", "Time", "Volume", "Ask", "Bid", "High", "Low"});
   @grid.GetHtml(tableStyle: "webGrid", headerStyle: "header", alternatingRowStyle: "alt");

Specific columns

Another way to do it is to actually define columns explicitly. First advantage is that I can now specify a name for the header.

@{ var grid = new WebGrid(Model.Datas, columnNames: new[] {"DataName", "Date", "LTP", "Time", "Volume", "Ask", "Bid", "High", "Low"});
   @grid.GetHtml(columns: grid.Columns( grid.Column("DataName", header: "Company"), grid.Column("Date"), grid.Column("LTP"), grid.Column("Time"), grid.Column("Volume"), 
   grid.Column("Ask"), grid.Column("Bid"), grid.Column("High"), grid.Column("Low")),
   tableStyle: "webGrid", headerStyle: "header", alternatingRowStyle: "alt");

Finally, let's assume I want to let the user click the Company name and navigate to the page that provides some more information about the company. I can use format parameter of the Column to display an ActionLink.

@{ var grid = new WebGrid(Model.Datas, columnNames: new[] {"DataName", "Date", "LTP", "Time", "Volume", "Ask", "Bid", "High", "Low"});
   @grid.GetHtml(columns: grid.Columns( 
   grid.Column("DataName", header:"Company", format:@<text>@Html.ActionLink((string)item.DataName, "Details", "Company", new {id=item.SymbolId}, null)</text>),
   grid.Column("Date"), grid.Column("LTP"), grid.Column("Time"), grid.Column("Volume"), 
   grid.Column("Ask"), grid.Column("Bid"), grid.Column("High"), grid.Column("Low")),
   tableStyle: "webGrid", headerStyle: "header", alternatingRowStyle: "alt");

The ActionLink will be created in the following format: "http://localhost/Company/Details/1"

Finally (for today) I would like to combine Date and Time in a single column and format it. The last bit of code shows how to format the date in the column and how to apply the style to a specific column.

<style type="text/css">


    .time {width: 200px; font-weight:bold;}

@{ var grid = new WebGrid(Model.Datas, columnNames: new[] {"DataName", "Date", "LTP", "Time", "Volume", "Ask", "Bid", "High", "Low"});
   @grid.GetHtml(columns: grid.Columns( 
   grid.Column("DataName", header:"Company", format:@<text>@Html.ActionLink((string)item.DataName, "Details", "Company", new {id=item.SymbolId}, null)</text>),
   grid.Column("DateTime", header:"Time", style:"time", format:@<text>@item.DateTime.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm")</text>), 
   grid.Column("LTP"), grid.Column("Volume"), grid.Column("Ask"), grid.Column("Bid"), grid.Column("High"), grid.Column("Low")),
   tableStyle: "webGrid", headerStyle: "header", alternatingRowStyle: "alt");

Better formatting

The plan from here is to add server-side paging to reduce the stress on the view when the number of records is high.


Get the Most out of WebGrid in ASP.NET MVC
WebGrid WebHelper in ASP.NET MVC 3 RC
by . Also posted on my website

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